
Showing posts from February, 2018


introduction This is the best thing that happens to me. Going to Germany to finished my thesis  and having my lecturer, Mr. Sule paid for both my accommodation and my transport is unbelievable. This is happened because I helped a German guy before to work on his thesis. If you haven’t read that, visit this link : . This is started when Mr.Sule announced that he want to work on new thesis topic, about volcanic modeling. And sure he need student to work on that. It was a week that he broadcasted over and over again because everyone seemed has their own topic, including me. I was going to take magnetic susceptibility as my thesis topic. Until the last day, no one took Mr. Sule’s topic. And then Rybob convinced me to take this topic, he ensured me that if I good, I will go to Germany. And it happens now! February 15 th 2018             It was during midnight, I came to my home in Cip


Jadi minggu ini gw memenuhi permintaan agi buat pergi ke ranca upas. Motivasinya cukup dangkal Cuma mau liat rusa, padahal di kebun binatang bisa, di monas bisa, di kebun raya bogor bisa bahkan di cagar alam pangandaran juga bisa. Tapi namanya juga BM ( banyak mau ) harus segera dipenuhi. KAWAH PUTIH 27 Januari 2018 Kami berangkat dari bandung menggunakan motor pink gw yang ciamik, melalui alun-alun bandung, lalu ke arah soreang memutari pegunungan malabar ke arah barat. Sepanjang perjalanan kami disajikan oleh pemandangan sawah dan bukit -bukit terisolasi, namun ketika kami sampai di ciwidey, pemandangannya adalah kabupaten bandung dan kebun- kebun strawberry. Dan ada satu misteri yang saya bingung di ciwidey, kenapa banyak sekali pedagang yang menjual boneka berbentuk kaki baik di jalan ciwidey atau sekitar kawah putih (?). Setelah 3 jam perjalanan berdebu, terik, dan macet ( ya di jalan ciwidey sedang ada proyek pelebaran jalan) kami tiba di kawah putih. Lokasin