TRIP TO PAHAWANG ISLAND+budget+itinerary


This journey is basically triggered by Agi to see white sand beach. Because, she might be in trauma after I took her to hike Mt. Sindoro previously. Now she wants the easy destination, yes go to beach. However, now the question arises, which beach? You know Indonesia is full of beach (do not mispronounce it) since the country is an archipelago. Initially, she wants to go to Ujung Kulon, the most western beach of Java, the place where the endangered rhino lives. But, it is too pricey I guess. 700k ++ for one person, 3D2N start from Semanggi plaza. Because of money reason, we decided to go to Pahawang Island instead of UK.


Pahawang Island is an island in south Lampung, Lampung province, Indonesia. For me, it’s like a cluster of islands that consists of Pahawang besar, Pahawang kecil, Kelagian, Kelagian kecil. The islands and the territory are well known for their underwater attraction. Additionally, these islands are neighboring with Krakatoa islands and Kiluan islands.

22 June 2018

We start from Tanah Abang station on 15.35 using Tanah abang- Rangkasbitung train, it will cost you 8k. for most of Jakarta people, you must be familiar with this KRL. Arrive on 17.30, then we have transit on Rangkasbitung station and then continue with local train Rangkasbitung-Merak on 20.00, and it takes only 3k. While waiting for the train to show up, we take stroll to area nearby the station. There are a lot of street food like nasi rames, tahu crispy, bakso, mie ayam, pecel and sate padang. Btw, back to the train. The Rangkasbitung-Merak train is like one level below your average long distance train (i.e Serayu), there is no trash bag, no limit passenger allowance, and the windows are blurry. But dude, what do you expect, its only 3k, the train is cold anyway (we equatorian likes cold). Finally, we arrive at Merak Harbor on 22.00. The station is integrated with the harbor, no need to get lost.


We decide to use travel agency this time. That is because we don’t really know about Pahawang (and also lazy to make detailed plan). Each person pays around 400-500 k for 3D2N trip, depends on the travel agency. We got the 470K one, we meet at the ALFAEXPRESS inside the Harbor with the other participants. Then we depart on 00.30

23 June 2018

We use ferry to go across the Sunda Strait to Bakauheni Harbor at Sumatera for only 15k. But remberber, you have to bring your ID or Driving license to buy the ticket. The Ferry’s name is Virgo 18, and this is the best ferry that I visit so far. I’ve been in ferry seven times. The ferry basically has 3 sections: vehicles sect, people sect, and deck. The people section is divided to lesehan room, sleeping room, and smoking room. The ferry takes 2.5 hour to Bakauheni, and we are tired, so we choose the sleeping room. You have to pay 10k for one matress and extra 5k for one pillow. For more info visit


We step our feet on Sumatera land on 03.00. I notice some drivers offer trip to Pringsewu and Rajamandala. But, no Pahawang. This is the perk of travel agency. They provide you everything, and all you have to do is sit nicely and pay. I have no idea that Ketapang Harbor is still so far away from Bakauheni. They provide us car+driver. For us and the other four participants the give car+crazy driver. We go to Ketapang on 3.42 and arrive on 5.20. the driver is so mad. He always drive 80-100++kmph on the right side. At first, I thought Lampung is like Banten, full of plain topography, but I was wrong. The road from Bakauheni to Ketapang is like Nagrek (the most curvy road at west java), and the driver make it worst. My neck is hurt, I can’t sleep. However, at one point I fall asleep, don’t know why………

the fast and furious track (google maps)


The travel agency provide us four time meals. The first one is breakfast with nasi telur sohun and tempe. Then, for people who want to rent snorkel and fin, they have to pay more. I don’t recall how much. Luckily, I have my brother’s snorkel with me, but since I don’t like wearing it, I lend it to Agi and use her swimming glasses instead. After that, we finally go to the sea. But, a little instruction about how to use snorkel was held on kelagian kecil island. Then we go to the first spot. Surprisingly, every spot in Pahawang islands seems to have underwater stone tablet for milenials, so they can take a selfie with it. The sea has so many anemones therefore I met so many nemos, marlyns, and dory clownfish, not like Karimun Jawa (but I still prefer karimun jawa because the corals are more colorful). Oh yea one more thing, there is always one boat which provide you food like popmie, indomie, coffee, tea etc on every spot, so you don’t have to eat your friends like in the movie.

she was not really amused (credits: go pro agi)


The accommodation is located at the backside of pahawang island, which is surrounded by mangrooves. I think the place is convenient. We get separated dorm, boys and girls with four bathroom each. One person gets one matress and one pillow. There is no electricity from 8.00 to 17.00 because it is generated by diesel generator. But the view is very good anyway. Then again, the meal is provided, this time is nasi sayur lodeh bakwan and ikan. We got here on 12.00 and go to the second spot on 15.00. the second spot is nearly the same with the first one, unless this spot has more stone tablet, there are three of them. Initially, the last itinerary for today is to watch sunset from a certain island. However, it is cloudy, there will be no sunset for today I guess. So we go back to the dorm. On the night, they provide us meal consists of nasi ayam kecap sup and bakwan and more fishes for BBQ. Btw, you can order indomie, popmie coffee, tea, etc with extra fee. Like Agi did, she orders indomie with egg, and got charged 15k. Ah, it’s a shame that the sky is also cloudy tonight. I remember the best place to watch milky way is from uninhabited island with minimum light, like Denawan.

Girls dorm (credits: HP agi)

view from girls dorm (creadit: HP agi lagi)

24 June 2018
Then we go out again, snorkeling for the last time on the third spot. The difference is this spot has shallow spot and deep spot together, while the first and second has mediocre depth. The sun shine brightly today. It burns my back. After we are satisfied with underwater, now the agenda is to go to Kelagian Island. The island has wide spot of with shallow sand, it’s good that Agi brings her Go Pro. Then we go back to Ketapang, wash ourselves, feed ourselves because the travel agency does not provide meal anymore. On 1.50 we depart from ketapang to Bakauheni, unfortunately we got the same driver L. We stay a while at souvenir shop, it has the same food as Palembang such kemplang and pempek. Then we arrive at Bakauheni on 17.00 and continue our journey with different ship than previously. While walking to the ship, we just realize how beautiful Bakauheni is. The sand is white, the sea is blue and shallow, then there are so many islands that call you to visit them. Unlike merak, gilimanuk, padang bai, lembar, tanjung perak, and tanjung emas harbor, Bakauheni is extraordinary.

Reminds me of Gili Trawangan and Lombok (credit: HP agi for the last time)


The standard ferry is one level below virgo 18. It has no escalator, no sleeping room. Just AC room and normal room. The normal room is more crowded than the AC room, so we choose the AC room. It turns out that we have to pay 10k to sit inside the room, plus there are people who used mat to sit, they have to pay extra fee to the ship and the mat provider. Suddenly, in the middle of the sea, rain falls heavily.


We arrived at Merak, the rain is still pouring. Meanwhile, I’m so hungry. Honestly, I like to eat outside the Harbor because it is cheaper, but again, the rain is forcing me to eat inside. I eat at nasi padang with nasi+sayur+perkedel+dadar+2 gorengan and have to pay 21k, Agi eats indomie with 3 bakso have to pay 17k, hence in total 38k. meanwhile at outside, we might be have them by paying only 27k.

There are two of options of transportation from merak: travel and bus (Arimbi, Primajasa, and others). The train is not the answer since the last departure is on 17.20. now, it is 22.00++. I asked the travel driver, he will charge us 125k per person and escort them directly to our home. That is so expensive I think, so we take the bus instead of the travel. There are lot of bus destination from the Harbor (i.e Bekasi, Kampung Rambutan, Kalideres, Pulogadung, Bogor, and Bandung). We used the Bekasi bus because we need to be dropped at kebon jeruk. We have to pay 50k for each person while actually that is the fare from Merak to Bekasi, I want to protest but Agi says its ok. Yeah its okay, actually the bus is nice. The only disappointment I have is we only had three snorkeling time, while in the itinerary it’s supposed to be four or five.


1.      If you use travel agency, choose “start from merak”/”start from Bakauheni” only costs 470k with extra fee train+ bus, 11k+50k= 61k. If you choose “start from semanggi” their will charge you 630k just do the simple math.
2.      I recommend you to use travel agency for reasons below:
a.       You have to rent car from bakauheni to ketapang for 600k per car per day. It’s a bad idea if you do solo travelling.
b.      You have to rent the boat for 2 million per day, with capacity 20-30 persons. If your quota is below that, then it gets more expensive.(i.e your group is only ten people then 2mill/10 persons= 200k perdayperperson*2 days=400k perday per person just for BOAT.) snorkel and fin not included, so many plans to think.
3.      If you want to use travel from merak, they will not immediately depart after you enter the car, they will wait until the car is full or they will rent you the car+driver for 600k.
4.      Do not eat at WR Pak Udin on ketapang because it is too tasteless.

budget 3D2N(using travel agency start from merak):
1.      Tanah abang – Merak : 11k
2.      Travel agency (covers all from merak back to merak): 470k
3.      Bus merak – destination: range 35-50k
Total: 531k

Budget 3D2N(without using travel agency with assumption 30 person per group)
1.      Train Tanah abang-merak: 11k
2.      Merak-bakauheni 15k
3.      Bakauheni ketapang: 5 cars, 1 car 6 people, 1 car 600k, means 100k/person
4.      Renting boat: per 30 person= 2 mill, means 70k/person*2 days: 140k
5.      Dorm????
6.      Ketapang bakauheni 100k/person
7.      Bakauheni-merak 15k
8.      Bus Merak-destination: 50k
Total: 431++k

See? It’s more reasonable using travel agency. Below I attached my itinerary

23.00 : Meeting Point di Pelabuhan Merak (Alfamart Express)
Hari Kedua
24.00 : Perjalanan Menuju Bakauheni
04.30 : Tiba di Pelabuhan Bakauheni, Sholat Subuh (bagi yang melaksanakan)
06.00 : Perjalanan Menuju Dermaga Ketapang (Meeting Point di Lampung)
06.30 : Sarapan (Kami Sediakan)
09.00 : Persiapan Snorkeling di Pulau Kelagian Kecil
10.00 : Tiba di Pulau Kelagian Kecil, Snorkeling Time
10.30 : Menuju Cukuh Bedil, Snorkeling Time
12.00 : Menuju Pulau Pahawang Besar, Check in Penginapan (ISHOMA) kami Sediakan
14.00 : Persiapan Kegiatan Snorkeling dan Hunting Sunset Menuju Tanjung Putus dan Pulau Balak
15.00 : Tiba di Pulau Balak, Main Pantai dan Nikmati Pasir Putih yang Halus
16.00 : Menuju Tanjung Putus, Snorkeling Time
17.00 : Perjalanan Kembali Ke Homestay
18.00 : Bersih – Bersih dan Makan Malam (Kami Sediakan)
19.30 : Acara Barbeque & Acara Bebas
21.00 : Istirahat
Hari Ketiga
05.00 : Hunting Sunrise
06.00 : Sarapan (Kami Sediakan)
07.00 : Persiapan Check Out (barang milik pribadi jangan sampai ada yang ketinggalan)
07.30 : Kembali Kegiatan Snorkeling di Penangkaran Rumah Nemo
09.00 : Menuju Gosong Bekri, Snorkeling Time
10.00 : Menuju Pulau Pulau Pahawang Kecil, main pantai
10.30 : Menuju Pulau Kelagian Besar
11.30 : Menuju Dermaga Ketapang, Bersih – Bersih dan Makan Siang (di luar paket)
13.00 : Perjalanan Menuju Bakauheni dan Mampir Beli Oleh – Oleh
16.00 : Perjalanan Menuju Pelabuhan Merak
19.00 : Tiba di Pelabuhan Merak…
 Sayonaraaa Trip Kita Selesai…….
Peserta di antar kembali menuju Meeting Point Jakarta



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