My Kind of Internship

My Kind of Internship

17 July 2017

After a boring-week in my house, i got a kind of broadcast in LINE group. A teacher is needed to teach physics. The requirement was only physics teacher who is proficient in English. At first glance, I already gave it up, because my English is not very good (you can judge me from this text :)) but this boredom push me out of my comfort zone. So, i called the CP. He is my senior from TG 2007 .Then we talked about money and other aspects. It turned out that i have to teach his boss’ son.  We had a deal. And then i asked, where is he working, then he answered that he is working at SKK Migas, thus my client must be something at SKK migas right!? . Cool! (and i found that his dad is working as supervisor at a mine in Aussie which is super cool ). But, I thought i made a mistake, you can DM me if you want to know...

At the morning of the first day, his mom called me. Actually, she went the same major with my teacher, Mr. Sigit Sukmono, in geological engineering ITB. She asked about our deal, then she told me where the location is.

So the very first day, i came earlier at 10 because it is quite far from my house, about 20 km. But the kid was not around because he need to buy pulsa, (he is Indonesian boy who lives in Australia, so his Bahasa is not that good). Then i teach him about torque, it was going well until he asked fundamental stuff like centripetal force and other things. Well, i can’t explained it in a simple term. On the other hand, when he asked me about calculation, i can do it easily. But anyway it just a few stuffs in a week. I supposed to teach him eight days, but in the first Friday, he got his thumbnails from his feet removed.

Therefore, this event is an evaluation for me that syllabus in Aussie is different, their art of learning is different too. Here, we mostly learn about calculation and stuffs. But there, they learn about the very basic concept, the visualization, and the most important thing is they do a lot of experiment, which we don’t. It’s still clear that my English needs “reparation”. This is my internship.


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