GFE camp 2k17
9-12 maret 2017
Hallo alles zussamen! my name is Andre Yudhistika, one of 50 top
delegates from GFE camp 2k17. I am student college from Institut teknologi
Bandung, and i am going to tell you my story.
On a
random day, my friend ( from different university) sent me a broadcast about
it, she said it suited me because i like nature and outdoor activity. So i had
to register first and pay fee. After that i have to take two kind of test;
general aptitude and psycho test . Then i managed to top 200. I had to make a green campaign video.
And i did it with many likes! But only one thing that bothered me, the main
event was held on 9-12 march, that was the same day with my midterm schedule.
But screw it, haha.
Day 1
So i managed to stay awake till 5
o’clock in the morning, an hour before my flight. I supposed to sleep at 11,
but i was afraid that i could not wake myself up. I asked my friend ,ovi to
take me to Husein Sastranegara. Last flight was a little bit rough because i
felt dizzy. So, i arrived at djuanda international airport at 7 pm ( i do not
really remember exactly ). So i ask others on the WA group “ is anyone already
at djuanda?”. And then i recognized a face that i have seen before in youtube,
he is andre maxwell with elsa. They were the first participants that i saw on
that day. So we talk each other and introduce ourselves, several minutes later,
i saw kukuh and duo ilham, and jodii ( ilham rabbani and ilham gresnadi ). Soon
after that the speaker the gate was opened. We flew to lombok praya
international airport. The flight route is strange i thing, we flew through
north bali then to north lombok and then flank it so i could see west Sumbawa
shoreline ( i took several pictures
about it though ). Finally we landed at the airport, we met another group of
GFE’s participants ( as far as i remember irfi, fifin, vunny, debo, cires,
audi, intan ). Even we took a photo at one of airport’s booth ( yeah, i think
it was embarrassing because people was disturbed back then ). Then we met committees
at the meeting point. We went to klui beach, that was where our camp lied, the
girls went first, and then followed by the boys.
The campsite was
beyond my expectation , i thought it was only several tents. The i found it got
a proper mobile toilet too (a with seven rooms), two sockets for each tent, and
lights! Especially theview. Luckily, my tent face west. I could watch the
sunset ( unfortunately, it was cloudy :( ).
first agenda is opening by our beloved mc, and kak Emen as the project officer.
We were asked to wear our traditional clothes and bring traditional foods too.
But mostly, we all wore batik. Only Ijong and Susi who wore real traditional
clothes. So, we were divided into four groups, i was the member of the first
group, the others are Ijong, Dhira,
Debora, Fifin, Vinny, Saskia , and our leader Luthfi. We got a mentor
too, her name is PICI ( i do not know her real name yet... ).
agenda was a puzzle game, so we were asked to solve a puzzle, it was actually a
panorama of a beach in Lombok. My group got the 2nd position, it was
just a game by the way haha. The committee gave us a shirt for each person,
they said we should wear it tomorrow.
Day 2
after we woke up , we did a stretching, it is called “senam penguin”. After
that, we took a bath, even though some of us did not......... we went to
Banyumulek village to learn how to make a handy craft called “gerabah”. Almost
every grown women there can make gerabah. if they cannot, they will not get
married. And the men take the clay from mountain. Imagined if they do it for
decades more, what will happen to the mountain? We(Niko, Luthfi and me ) made
three shape of handy craft; they were bowl, cup, and ash tray . then we went to
Anan craft shop to learn how to decor it with eggshell. First we glue the
eggshell and then stick it to gerabah. For additional ornament, we can paint it
with motive. Then i found out that we will not going to Sade village, I was
we went to Cemare beach to plant some mangroves. We traveled by group to the
spot by traditional motorboat through the river. Our spot is kind of hard one,
while the others seems easy and fun, but that is okay, we had a lot of fun too because of that circumstance.
Then we wandered around the river and enjoyed the scenery while taking photos.
the locals are so happy because we did it, I think this spot need to be
introduced more, so tourists can visit and contribute too, maybe after they
visited rinjani or gilis.
That night,
we had two famous guest speakers, the first one is Mr. Syawaludin from bank
sampah NTB, the second is Mr. Teo an artist who made a lot of furniture that
made of paper.they made me realize that garbage is not always a problem, even
it can make us money if we put extra effort to it. Mr. syawaludin for example,
he made the “garbage donation system” ,he collects garbage from people and pay
them, then he separates it, anorganic and organic. He produces fertilizer using
organic garbage, while he sell the anorganic garbage to Bali.
Mr. Teo
has made his product using paper waste. He made a lot of things, include a
table with traditional motive. His product are hard as wood, even though they
are made of paper. To make one table, he need 40 kg of paper waste.
last session was about making an idea about conservation and then present it in front of others group. Our
idea was about clove conservation at south gowa, Makassar
Day 3
This is the most fun part, we
were going to Gili Trawangan. I thought we were going to interview bunch of
international tourists. Next challenge was to make a video about our
conservation, we event interviewed international tourists from Chile, we asked them to say our tagline “ libatkan
diri, sertai kami “. Next challenge was about to take underwater photo. It did
not met my expectation . This assignment made me realize that our corals nearby
gili trawangan shore line are gone! Most of them are white ( yeah, bleaching ).
It makes me sad till now. I think this is caused by global warming, the sea
temperature is rising and make them white. Sad but true. I hope government or
people in charge will act about this tragedy.
We went back to campsite. Take a
shower and ate our dinner. The next agenda is closing. We watched a traditional
dance from Lombok. Here is the rule, if the dancer give you her fan, you have
to join them and start dancing. Fortunately, one of them gave me a chance to
participate. Although i am not a good dancer, i enjoyed it very much. next,
each of group had to present their videos in front of others participants.
Unfortunately, my group cannot finish it till now. The other groups are
creative, one of them event inserted comedy.
Next, closing speech from bang Emen. And last, GFE camp is closed by bunch of
fireworks that coloring the sky and the full moon that night. The moment feels
right, it’s kind of sad because this spectacular event is officially over :( .
Lessons :
The games taught me about coordination
The traditional food and clothes show me how
important our diversity is. So we have to keep it alive.
The handicraft activity taught me about local
The mangroves plantation told me that we have to
encourage and tell tourists more about this place.
The guest speakers taught me to think with a
different perspective. How to transforms problems into something that gives us
The conservation presentation forced us to think
about creative idea to solve problem.
The gili trangawangan’s tragedy taught me that
our corals are in the edge of extinction. So we have to take care of them.
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