Explore Sukabumi Part I + the trip expense

Ok guys, let's skip about Papua because last week I went to Sukabumi, house of Ciletuh Geopark. Here is the chronology. 23 Nov 2018 The group consisted in five persons: me, Satrio, mba Okta, mba Yani, and bang Glen. We traveled from Bumi Serpong Damai, South Tangerang to Ujung Genteng beach, Sukabumi through Jagorawi Highway for 6 hours due to traffic jam from Pondok Indah Highway to Cijantung Highway. The road was in good condition in spite of its curve. 24 Nov 2018 Arrived at Ujung Genteng Beach, we secure the campsite on the most southern part of the beach. We built the tent and ordered food from local store (Indomie ofc), there are many of them. I was sleeping in the car, so I was unable to sleep anymore. Therefore, instead of trying to sleep which is useless because I was so fresh, I tried to make camp fire. This is my first time in windy condition, I had to try several times before I succeed. But the fire lit for not so long. I woke u...