
Showing posts from May, 2018


29 Mei 2018 Jika Anda tinggal di sekitar Tangerang atau Tangerang Selatan, Anda tidak akan menemukan tempat alam yang menarik di sisi barat kota-kota ini. Karena, yang bisa Anda lakukan adalah pergi ke Bogor dan mulai menikmati curug dan mendaki gunung. Namun, ini tidak sepenuhnya benar! Anda memiliki sesuatu di sisi barat tentunya! Jika Anda bepergian 60 km dari stasiun Jurangmagu ke barat Anda akan menemukan dua tempat yang menyenangkan, tebing Godzilla dan danau biru Cisoka. Tebing Koja atau tebing Godzilla adalah situs penambangan tua di Kabupaten Tangerang. Tebing terbuat dari batu kapur dan breksi (mungkin). disebut tebing Godzilla karena bentuknya menyerupai sosok Godzilla dan ada di koordinat 106,3970951, -6,314981. Sebenarnya ada dua pintu masuk, barat dan timur. dan wilayah tebing ini pun dibagi dua, barat dan timur. Dan fakta yang menyenangkan nya adalah: jika Anda masuk dari timur, Anda harus membayar Rp 5.000 / orang biaya masuk untuk gerbang timur, dan jika A...


May 29 th 2018 If you live around Tangerang and south Tangerang, you will find nothing interesting nature spot on the west side of these cities. Because, all you can have is to go to Bogor and start to enjoy curug (waterfall) and hike a mountain. However, these are not entirely true! You have something on the west side of course! If you travel like 60 km from Jurangmagu station to the west you will find two enjoyable places, Godzilla cliff and blue lake of Cisoka. Koja cliff or Godzilla cliff is an old quarry site in Tangerang regency. The cliffs are made of limestone and breccia (probably). The cliffs are called Godzilla cliff because the shapes resemble the figure of Godzilla and take place at coordinate of 106.3970951, -6.314981. There are actually two entrances, the west and the east. And the fun fact is: if you enter from the east, you have to pay 5,000 IDR/person the entrance fee for the east gate, and if you go to the west, you will get charged again 5,000 IDR/perso...


March 10 th 2018 Well, this is my last weekend on Europe. I’m a little bit confused to choose either going to Berlin or Amsterdam. I mean like both of them cost the same amount of time to go there. I have two considerations to choose a destination: to have at least a friend there and the place must be beautiful or well known. Life is gonna be easier if you have someone at your destination. They can guide you to good places, and maybe they can share you their room, even food! Unfortunately, my friend in Berlin is in Indonesia. So I have to choose Amsterdam as my final destination. bicycle parking This time, I’m staying at GPI until late intentionally, because my Flixbus will depart on 2 AM. We stop at several places. The first one, I don’t remember the name. The second one is Den Haag. It’s funny to pronounce the name, like “Denachh” (fun fact: in Dutch, you pronounce g as ch). The last before Amsterdam is Rotterdam. Then, I arrived at Sloterdijk Station on 12 ...

chord MELAWAN DUNIA by RAN ft. Yura Versi jaketoren

Standart Tuning EADGBe Fm Gm G# Haruskah ku berubah Demi cinta Fm Gm G# Agar mereka mau Menerima Fm Gm G# Ketidak biasaan Yang terjalin C# A# Antara kita berdua.. Mmm.. Fm Gm G# Haruskah ku memendam Semua rasa Fm Gm G# Haruskah ku memenjarakan asa, yeah Fm Hanya karena Cinta kita Gm G# C# Tak seperti apa yang mereka mengerti A# G Cmaj7 Mungkin berat Tapi ku tahu.. CHORUS Em7 Fmaj7 Apa yang kita jalani Ddim Am7 Am7/G Sulit mereka pahami.. Am7/G Am/F# Dm7 G Namun ku Yakin.. Ada jalan untuk kita Cmaj7 Em7 Fmaj7 Bersama.. Asalkan kita berani Ddim Am7 Mencinta sepenuh hati D Meski seakan Dm7 Em7 G Am A# Aku dan kamu melawan.. dunia.. Fm Gm ...